Home of poetry, song lyrics, childrens stories, fiction and non-fiction stories.



Janice N. Richards  cjanasdreams@yahoo.com

Climb the mountains and walk to the sea. Travel the roads, wherever they be. Knock on doors and new faces you’ll see. Remember to laugh and be free. Tears will be shed for good and bad. But wherever you are, people will be glad. Enjoy each new day and what comes your way. Time runs fast and you soon fade away. Life is a journey, there’s no turning back. Each moment is real and that’s a fact. Climb the mountains and walk to the sea. Travel the roads and remember me. Try new things as you go on your way. Don’t let those moments slip away. It’s never too late to travel or try. Now’s the time before you die. Try adventures that will be new and to yourself always be true. Climb the mountains and walk to the sea. Travel the roads and r Climb the mountains and walk to the sea. Travel the roads, wherever they be. Knock on doors and new faces you’ll see. Remember to laugh and be free. Travel the roads and remember me.